May 28, 2008


Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right ,forget about the ones who don’t, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If u get a chance,take it. If it changes your life, let it.

May 26, 2008


About Me, for those who don't know Me-sha

I love eyes. They can tell much. Plus, you can see colors in eyes that you cannot find anywhere else
I get offended by little things that no one else notices.
I love swimming. It's probably the only form of exercise I like.
I like being in front of big crowds but a group of just a few people terrifies me.
I like the fact that my hair and eye color match each other.
I can't have people behind me on the stairs or anywhere else.
I really wish I had musical talent. No one in my family has musical abilities.
I'm a Christian
Laughing until you cry is the best feeling I think someone can experience.
I want to die knowing that I've made someone laugh so hard they've cried.
I think that friends love you and like you by choice and not because they have to.
I like to physically fight, yelling fight is not my favorite.
I like the dark-haired Mexican beauty in a Spanishy red and/or black dress
I like being an architect or a fashion designer,without drawing
The more discreet a person is, the more I want to figure them out
When people don't like feet especially toes, I just want to hit them across the face
I have one tattoo, I think it will be the last
I love blue jeans
My favorite animals as a kid were: horses, dolphins...still
I love being loved by someone important
I love chocolate, brownies, strawberries, mango.
I've never had braces
I have a bad habit of correcting people's grammar
I will prove a point, even if it means fighting to tears with someone
I want to be happy in whatever I do...but it doesn't always work
I don't have that many true friends
My favorite names are: Mia, Sasha...that would make Mi-Sha
Green, purple,navy blue and white are my favourite colors
My favorite movies are : Crual Intentions, The Quills
I could never pick a favorite song if my life depended on it
I can't use chopsticks
I think going to Spain, Greece, Italy with some of my best friends would be one the best experiences of my life
I believe that life always need some strict decisions, far away from forgiveness
"I don't feel like talking" is out of my dictionary
I do love
I'm in LOVE.

May 16, 2008

4 fevrier 2004

Je me rappelle bien d'une periode deja passee, deja sentie, simplement deja vecue.
Je suis la a fouiller dans ma memoire pour trouver une scene a decrire: je n'en trouve pas.
Je peux seulement voir trop d'images, et trop de spectacles et beaucoup d'individus.
J'etais seule, a jouer seule, a rire seule, a pleurer seule, a faire le tout seule.
J'avais eu tout ce qui peut plaire a un petit, qui peut le satisfaire sans qu'il ne se plaigne jamais.
Je reflechissais d'une maniere differente que je ne l'aie plus maintenant,
Je n'etais pas enfant jusqu'au bout mais je n'etais pas ainsi.
C'est la vie! On ne peut s'en passer sans grandir, mais meme a mon enfance, quelque chose me manquait...

Sois-toi, et fiche toi de tout

D'ou venais-je?
Dites-moi, oh! Sage, dites-le moi
D'ou est-ce je viens?
Me trouvais-je exigeante plus ou moins?
Faisant peu ou trop?
Pourquoi tenais-je dans mes mains
Mon coeur suffoquant de sanglots?
Leur semblais-je differente?
Je sais.
S'ils me jugent d'ignorante, ils en jugent trop
Je m'en fous, vraiment, qu'ils soient eux, je serai moi
Je ne chercherai point a les convaincre: perte de temps
Dans mon coin, je vois le monde, et de mes yeux... je l'aime tant
Qui juge vrai ou faux?
Mon vrai leur est faux et leurs nobles regles je les jette a l'eau
Qu'ils me jugent faible d'aimer trop
Ils ne sauraient jamais le faire comme il faut
D'ou venais-je?
Pas de la
Toi, je t'aimerai autant que je le pourrai
Et, que j'en creve
MOI, c'est comme ca.

one of the worst experiences!!!

When somebody does something wrong to you and it really drove you freakin mad, don't do the same to them, instead kill them with kindness because guilty feeling is always the nastier revenge.